What Political Party Does the Speaker on the Television Belong to

The Speakership is the well-nigh important office in the House of Representatives. The House cannot operate without a Speaker. Section 35 of the Constitution states that:

The House of Representatives shall, earlier proceeding to the despatch of whatsoever other concern, choose a Member to be the Speaker of the House.

The Speaker is the chief function holder in the House of Representatives. They are the House's representative or spokesperson, the Chair of its meetings and its 'Minister' in respect of its support services. Because the Speaker chairs or presides over the meetings of the Firm they are unremarkably referred to every bit the House's Presiding Officer, the Senate counterpart being the President of the Senate. The importance of the Presiding Officers is acknowledged past the position of the Speaker and the President in the Australian Society of Precedence (a formal list used to decide bug of protocol at official functions), where they rank direct after the Governor-Full general and state governors, the Prime number Government minister, and a state premier within that premier's state.

The Speaker's say-so is derived from the Business firm to which their duty lies and to which they are accountable. Just equally the Speaker is elected by the House, they may be removed from office by a vote of the Business firm.

The Speaker'south representative role

The Speaker is the spokesperson for the House (hence the derivation of the name 'Speaker') in its relations with the other parts of the Parliament—the Senate and the Sovereign (represented by the Governor-General), the other arms of government—the Executive and the Judiciary, and with other exterior bodies and people. In this role Speakers are expected to maintain the authority of the House, and to protect its rights and privileges.

Official communications from and to the House are signed by and addressed to the Speaker. The Speaker receives delegations from other parliaments and special visitors on behalf of the House. On formal occasions the Speaker represents the House and plays a central ceremonial function.

The Speaker represents the House and is responsible to it and all of its Members, whether in government or opposition. They are non responsible to the Executive Government and seek to preserve the House's independence from it.

In the Chair—the Speaker'due south procedural office

Equally Presiding Officeholder the Speaker chairs the meetings of the House and ensures they are conducted in an orderly manner and according to the provisions of the Constitution and the standing orders (written rules) of the Firm. The duties performed in the Chair are probably the Speaker'south virtually challenging.

Speaker Wallace

The electric current Speaker is the Hon. Andrew Wallace MP, Member for Fisher, Queensland, who was elected Speaker on 23 Nov 2021

At the get-go of each 24-hour interval's sitting the Speaker makes an Acknowledgement of Country and reads Prayers (both of which are set out in the continuing orders/rules of the House), and so calls on the various items of concern in the order set down in the continuing orders.

The Speaker must ensure that the rules of parliamentary procedure as embodied in the standing orders and do of the House are applied. The Speaker interprets and applies the standing orders, responds to Members' points of order relating to them and gives rulings on procedure when necessary. For example, the Speaker is often called upon to decide whether remarks made in a speech are offensive, whether a Member'due south speech is relevant to the motility being debated or whether a item motion or subpoena is allowed to be moved at a certain time.

The Speaker calls upon Members wishing to speak and in doing so seeks to allocate the call evenly betwixt government and non-authorities Members and, despite the greater responsibilities of Ministers and opposition frontbenchers, to ensure that backbenchers are not disregarded. An important part of the Speaker'southward task is to protect the rights of individuals and minorities in the House and make sure that anybody is treated fairly within the framework ready by the rules.

The Speaker must maintain order during debate. While most proceedings pass routinely and without incident there are occasions when passions become inflamed, excessive interjection occurs and the House becomes noisy and unruly. The standing orders provide disciplinary powers to enable the Speaker to maintain order. These vary in their severity and allow the Speaker to deal with breaches of order in the most appropriate manner. For a pocket-sized infringement a Member may only be called to order or warned. For a more serious offence, a Fellow member may be ordered to get out the Chamber for one hour (sometimes unofficially referred to as 'sin binned') and, for a major offence or persistent defiance of the Chair, a Fellow member may be 'named' by the Chair and a motion for the Member's suspension (unremarkably for 24 hours) may be moved.

The Speaker supervises rather than participates in proceedings. They do not usually accept part in debate and do not vote in the House except in the event of numbers existence equal, in which case the Speaker has a casting vote. The Speaker makes statements or announcements to the House equally necessary, and may exist asked questions on matters of parliamentary administration. On occasion, committee and delegation reports are presented to the House by the Speaker.

The Speaker is responsible for calling the Business firm together for its next meeting if the time fixed for the coming together needs to exist changed when the House is non sitting.

The Speaker, while spending a considerable office of each sitting day in the Chamber, is non present throughout all proceedings. The Deputy Speaker and the Second Deputy Speaker often take the Chair as do members of the Speaker'south panel established peculiarly to assist the Speaker in this manner. Except in extraordinary circumstances, the Speaker ever takes the Chair during Question Time and for more of import occasions, such as the presentation of the budget by the Treasurer and the Leader of the Opposition's voice communication in reply.

Impartiality of the Chair

Notwithstanding the fact that the Speakership in Australia has long been regarded as a political appointment, successive Speakers have striven to discharge their duties with impartiality. Every bit a rule, Speakers have been sufficiently discrete from government activeness to ensure what can be justly claimed to be a loftier degree of impartiality in the Chair.

Members are entitled to wait that, fifty-fifty though the Speaker belongs to and is nominated to the position by a political party, their functions will be carried out impartially. At the same fourth dimension, a Speaker is entitled to expect support from all Members regardless of their party.

The House'southward 'Minister'

The Speaker has ultimate responsibility for the administration of the House of Representatives and, with the President of the Senate, for the assistants of services provided jointly to Members and Senators and the functioning of Parliament House.

For many purposes the Speaker is in effect, 'Government minister' for the Department of the House of Representatives, with a similar role to that of a Minister of State in relation to a government section. The Chief Executive Officer of the section is the Clerk of the House.

The Section of the House of Representatives provides the administrative mechanism for the efficient conduct of the Firm of Representatives and its committees and a range of services and facilities for Members in Parliament House. These include the provision of office accommodation, printing and other associated support in Parliament House and the responsibility for the payment of Members' parliamentary salaries and allowances.

Jointly with the President of the Senate, the Speaker has the same 'ministerial' role in respect of the Department of Parliamentary Services. The department provides information and research services to Members and Senators and reports the debates and proceedings of both Houses (Hansard) and their committees. It besides provides figurer and telecommunication services to Parliament House as well equally radio and goggle box broadcast and closed circuit facilities. It maintains Parliament House and its grounds, provides housekeeping and catering services as well as guide services for visitors.

The Parliamentary Precincts Act 1988 gives the Presiding Officers responsibleness for control and management of Parliament House and its immediate environment (the precincts). They have overall responsibility for security services and may, subject to any lodge of either Business firm, take any action they consider necessary for the control and management of the precincts.

In respect of the ministerial wing these powers are subject to whatever limitations and weather condition agreed between the Presiding Officers and the Executive Regime. The Speaker exercises sole dominance over the House of Representatives surface area in Parliament House.

Other functions and duties

At the commencement of each Parliament the Speaker is authorised past the Governor-General to administer the adjuration or affirmation of allegiance to any Fellow member non present at the opening of parliament and to Members elected during the class of a parliament. (The majority of Members are sworn in by the Governor-Full general'due south deputy prior to the Speaker's election at the first sitting of the House later on a general ballot).

The Speaker is responsible for the event of writs for by-elections. In addition to this constitutional part the Speaker has a variety of specific duties laid downwards by a number of laws, and in detail by the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.

The Speaker is the Chair of the:

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations and Assistants
  • Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings, and
  • Pick Commission.

With the President of the Senate, the Speaker is Articulation President of the:

  • Australian National Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and
  • Commonwealth of Commonwealth of australia Co-operative of the Republic Parliamentary Association.

As of January 2020, the Speaker was elected as President of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum.


The procedure for choosing the Speaker is set down in detail in the continuing orders of the House. These provide for the Speaker to be elected by Members, if the election is contested, by secret ballot. The Speaker is elected for the duration of a Parliament. In practice the office of Speaker is normally filled past the nominee of the governing political party or parties.

The Speaker remains a fellow member of their political party, and may choose to attend political party meetings. Speakers likewise need to contest their seat in an election. On taking part the Speaker continues to carry out their duties as an ordinary Member of Parliament and continues to represent and assistance constituents.

An election for Speaker is conducted at the first of each parliament fifty-fifty if the previous Speaker is notwithstanding available. At the dissolution of the House before a full general election Members of the Business firm, including the Speaker, technically cease to be Members. However, so that important functions can exist carried out the Speaker is deemed, by police, to continue in part for administrative purposes until the election of a new Speaker.

Speaker's Chair

The Speaker's Chair


A Member elected Speaker is entitled, while Speaker, to the championship 'Honourable', which, with the approval of the Sovereign, may be retained for life. This privilege is usually only given to those who take served every bit Speaker for iii years or more. Speakers may cull non to use the title.


In the Chamber and for ceremonial occasions the Speaker may vesture a black bookish gown, although the current Speaker does not. Traditionally, Speakers from the Australian Labor Party have chosen not to article of clothing the formal dress while in the past Speakers from other parties accept chosen to exercise so.


The Speaker receives an boosted bacon and expense of part assart (slightly more than those of the bulk of Ministers) in addition to their salary and allowances as a Fellow member of Parliament.

Deputy Speaker and Second Deputy Speaker

At the beginning of each Parliament after the Speaker has been elected, the House elects Members to the positions of Deputy Speaker and Second Deputy Speaker. The procedure is similar to that for the ballot of Speaker.

If the Speaker is absent the Deputy Speaker becomes the Interim Speaker and the 2nd Deputy Speaker the Acting Deputy Speaker. If both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker are absent the Second Deputy Speaker becomes Acting Speaker.

The Speaker also appoints a panel of Members drawn from both sides of the House to serve in the Chair. The Deputy Speaker, Second Deputy Speaker and Speaker'south console members are all able to accept the Chair in the Firm at the request of the Speaker. In do an unofficial roster is maintained to provide occupants for the Chair throughout a sitting. While in the Chair they have near the same procedural powers and functions as the Speaker.

The Deputy Speaker takes the Chair of the Federation Sleeping room. The Chair of the Federation Bedroom has basically the same functions, and similar powers to regulate the carry of concern, and authority to preserve guild (other than the power to 'proper name' a Member), in the Federation Sleeping room as the Speaker has in the House. The 2nd Deputy Speaker and members of the Speaker's panel assist the Deputy Speaker in this role.

Historical note

The office of Speaker is a very ancient one, dating dorsum eight hundred years to 13th century England. It is an essential feature of the parliamentary arrangement derived from Westminster. In early times Speakers were variously described as 'Parlour' (mouth), 'Prolocutor' (chairman) and 'Procurator' (amanuensis). Substantially each acted as mouthpiece or spokesman and hence 'Speaker' on behalf of the Firm in communicating its resolutions to the Sovereign.

The office of Speaker was central in the centuries-long battle for supremacy between Parliament and the monarchy. Historically the role of the Speaker has sometimes been an unenviable i. The chequered history of the Speakership shows a number of Speakers dying violent deaths by way of execution or murder while others were imprisoned, impeached or expelled from office.

Up until the 17th century Speakers were frequently agents of the Sovereign and subsequently, with the supremacy of Parliament, were usually associated politically with governments, sometimes property government function. Nevertheless, by the mid 19th century the convention of the Speaker being above party had become established in the Britain.

In the House of Commons the Speaker abandons all party loyalties. When governments change, the electric current Speaker is re-elected to office, and at general elections a Speaker is normally unopposed by the major parties. This development has not been transposed to Commonwealth of australia, partly because with a much smaller Parliament and the possibility of a "hung" Parliament higher, each seat may be vital to the party seeking a majority. Nevertheless, from time to time it has been proposed that a similar arrangement should be introduced here.

For more information

House of Representatives Practice , 7th edn, Section of the House of Representatives, Canberra, 2018, pp. 165–208, Appendix ii.

Philip Laundy, The Office of Speaker in the Parliaments of the Commonwealth, Quiller Press, London, 1984.

Images courtesy of AUSPIC.


Source: https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/House_of_Representatives/Powers_practice_and_procedure/00_-_Infosheets/Infosheet_3_-_The_Speaker

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